Have you just had your exam results? Where they good or not what you expected? Fear not all is not lost. There seems to be some sort of Kudos to attending University. Been there and bought the T shirt- The scene has changed from years ago and very often a student can end up after 3 years massively burdened with debt.
Why do it there are so many options out there now a days 
If I had young children now I would  encourage them to take a gap year, work your way around the world, broaden your horizons, take a break and take a deep breath , and come back refreshed and maybe a little bit more grown up, ready to take on the world.
Do you know what you want to do and are anxious to get on ? The best route, in my humble opinion is to get taken on in the field that you want. Apprenticeships are becoming more popular, Firms will take on suitable students, work placements will get your face seen. 
Lots of companies and there are thousands of them like to get students in young and train them up in their ethos, so in 3 years time you will be in a perfect position to start earning big bucks. Streaks ahead of your university counterpart.
I know of loads of university degree people working in shops and fast food outlets because they were not able to secure the role they wanted straight out of college. They get bogged down. I know of 2 people, who met while studying for degrees in Archaeology both working for the same local authority. One works in IT and the other as an admin certificate. three years at Uni --for what ? absolutely nothing. 
Why waste the time? Start working now, hone your skills, get known within the industry. |want to be a producer, film maker? Go to a studios and become a runner, 100's before you have found careers in their chosen field doing this . Its a formula which works. Only two thirds  of students actually go to university from schools, and it would be interesting to find out in 10 years if those Uni students are still working in their degree field. I know someone who studied Bio-chemistry at degree level, who ended up becoming a maths teacher,  Art degree students working in an art shop, etc . etc. University is not the golden key it used to be. Hard work, persistence and enthusiasm is the key, a willingness to learn. The ability to fit in and  a good work ethic will see you go a long way.
 Don't be trapped by a misguided stream of thought that having exams under your belt is the only way to thrive in the world of work, it's not. Only 16% of students get the grades in exams that they expected, so do not stress.
 I knew a girl at school who didn't take her work that seriously when we were all stressing out about exams. When questioned she replied she wasn't bothered as her mother had a job she wanted, working in her dog grooming salon, which is something she really wanted to do. So while we were all panicking about our results, she left at 16 and started earning a wage in a job she loved. Who knows I don't doubt she has a string of salons of her own by now.
So it really really is not the end of the world if you do not get the exam results you were hoping for, there are endless opportunities out there. Trust me !


  1. Love this article and so true. I never went to university I left school after staying on a year and trained on the job. My ex used to always put me down that I didn't go to university, like he did but when it came to the practicalities of life he had no clue so I'd smile to myself thinking who's the clever one now. My son is only 10 and I have always told him to do his best at school and will never pressurise him to go to university it will be his choice. If he goes I will be proud of him, if he leaves school and gets work to be an apprentice or to work his way up, I'll be proud of him. The world is his oyster, what ever path he takes.

  2. So true Amanda, you do right ! and thanks for your comment x


Nightmare 21 days and a dream doggie hug.

My nightmare 21 days and a delish dream doggie hug . What a night mare my last 21 days I have had. Never thought it could be like this.........