Siamese Cats, dogs and goldfish

I am owned by two very demanding Oriental cats .They are, in my eyes beautiful. They are sociable, vocal, interesting, full of life. They are athletic, they have tons of energy, they are demanding they are exhausting. Oliver the oldest is  2 and a half year old. His mum is a Snow shoe Siamese, his father a Devon Rex and Basil who is nearly 2 is a chocolate point Siamese. I'd like to share  how this happened.
Basil and Ollie having a 'cwtch'

I have always had cats ever since I was born there have been 1 , 2, or 3 around. When the little white fluff ball called Phoebe (known as 'the Pheebs') died  aged fifteen and a half. I was cat less for the first time in years. It felt weird.
The Pheebs in her last year

A good few months later, when I fell in love and moved to Chesterfield to set up home with my lovely hubby - there was only one thing missing..............................................................
Hubby was a dyed -in-the-wool dog lover - and 'couldn't be doing with cats' - only ever had one cat and he ran away . "No we couldn't get a cat, but maybe in the future we might get a little dog"- he said.
I was volunteering at Chesterfield RSPCA at the time, started out cleaning out the rabbits, went on to taking the dogs out for walks, but I would sneak off to see the cats, just for a treat, Don't get me wrong I love all animals, dogs included.I have had a couple of dogs and once lived with two adult and seven baby German Shepherds who were adorable . Almost like a canine version of Snow White, except there were 2 other adults and a child also living there !
Cuteness personified !.
Our family loved dogs.My grandparents always had a dog , and always called it Jim, 'it was easier to call them all Jim' my Nan said.
 At fourteen I spent every weekend looking after my grandparents Labrador cross, Jim, while they  worked. As soon as she returned from work my Nan  one of the first questions my Nan would ask was "Did you take him for a long walk? "Yes Nan," I would reply. The next question was always " Did he do his business" "Yes Nan !" Always the same two questions. The woman seemed to be obsessed with Jim's bowel movements. But maybe why I hesitated about having another dog. Every day sometimes twice , a dog owner must  look at , scoop up and dispose of the dog poo- sometimes very smelly dog poo. Smell of roses it don't ! !
 I remember Jasper Carrott telling a story of when he went round to his very posh girlfriends house to pick her up. He was invited by her parents to 'take tea' so they could scrutinise him while he waited for her to appear. Delicately sipping his tea, teetering on a squashy floral settee he felt awkward and pressured to make polite conversation. The family Afghan hound was cleaning itself in front of them suddenly lifted his leg and began licking its crown jewels, making great slurping noises,
 Feeling embarrassed  Jasper quipped "Oh how I wish I could do that!" To which her mother replied "Well, if you give him a biscuit he might let you" !
I know animals have to groom themselves , but dogs then go on to lick your face, which cats tend not to do !

 I once has seven goldfish which I absolutely adored, in fact I brought three goldfish with me 170 miles up the motorway sloshing about in the back of my car all the way from S/Wales to Derbyshire, rather than give then away.
 Two of them are currently residing in our garden pond - we think- we don't see them often. One met his demise courtesy of a random heron. His (or her) little orange carcass was found amongst the flowers by the  pond one frosty morning. Sad.
I often would look through the Siamese cats for sale ads.kidding myself I was   just making a wish list. I came across an ad for a snow-shoe Siamese/Devon Rex cross- The kittens looked adorable with all different markings-  When I rang there were only two left one girl and one boy- Recklessly I asked for the boy to be put on hold for me, That evening I cautiously approached hubby making sure he had a glass of wine in hand first. As he can refuse me nothing approximately seven weeks later we brought an adorable little bundle home. He was so tiny ! As soon as he curled up on hubby's lap he fell asleep- He has been there ever since, Hubby is apparently his favoured person. The attraction is mutual-- who would have thunk ?
Devon Rex kittens
 Here are some pictures of both breeds. 'Snow shoes refers to the white 'sox' that the breed have.
Snow shoe Siamese

 Oliver's colouring is called cow spot in the cat world and he is black and white like this little guy on the left, above. He has most of the Devon Rex's characteristics, apart from the melodious voice. Ollie sounds like a squeaky toy when he miaows - and he does not have the curly coat, but his coat is smooth and silky and gorgeous to stroke- He loves a cuddle. Basil , who is a pedigree Siamese, chocolate a bit more reserved but is a mummies boy, so now we each have a pet cat each.
A Seal point Siamese - original coat front bib creamy .

Chocolate point Siamese -Paler body chocolate brown 'ponts'.
Basil and Ollie are the best of friends, but Ollie is the boss and 'mothers' Basil .They are always together, get up to antics together, eat and sleep together. They also 'play fight' chasing each other up and down the stairs and curtains . Full of life they add  a liveliness to our otherwise rather quiet life. And as a by product my hubby loves cats, but to this day has not cleaned out their litter tray- When I question him about this his retort is
 " I love them dearly.....but I don't love them that much !!!!!!!!!  Lets say its a work in progress.

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